Monday, August 10, 2015

Dendrobium kallarense J.Mathew, George, Yohannan& Madhusudhanan

Dendrobium kallarense J.Mathew, George, Yohannan& Madhusudhanan

Description: Lithophyte on wet rocks. Pseudobulb ovoid, swollen, compressed, brown, 2-4 cm. Leaves 2-3, size to 7 x 0.5 cm, linear, acute, membranous, leafless when flowering. Flowers 1-3, usually 1/ one at a time, bluish pink, in 4-5 cm long slender terminal racemes; pedicels 7 mm long. dorsal sepal 14 x 5 mm, lanceolate, obtuse, 5-veined; lateral ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 2, 799-803 800 sepals 14 x 9 mm, ovate-lanceolate, acute, 5-veined; petals 15 x 10 mm, obovate, obtuse, 7-veined; lip 15 x 12 mm, 3-lobed, side lobes ovate, obtuse, 6 x 4 mm, midlobe 9 x 8.5 mm, obovate, truncate at apex, disc with an oblong callus and yellow hairs. Capsule fusiform. 

Conservation status: — The new taxa is seen in undisturbed wet rock strewn pockets of montane grass lands in Kallar valley and Pulikkayam of Achankovil belongs to Agasthyamala Biosphere Reserve. A total of 300 individuals were scattered on this environs.


  1. Dear Mr Jose Mathew. we wish to contact you.. can you provide your email/phone. its for regarding Dendrobium kallarense. Thanks

    1. I Have Found this Dendrobium Kallarense in Tamilnadu.. My email is I've love to share info about this orchid
